Mini-Grants – List of conventions

Mini-grant destination cons (after 2025)

You can use your mini-grants for ANY North American convention or filk destination, like a housefilk, or a general convention in your area. If your con isn’t listed, don’t worry, you should still apply.

This list is just to remind you of some of the awesome things coming up.

If you’re applying in 1st quarter, your deadline is Feb 15.
(Qualifying cons and events will be in April and after)
FilKONtario Toronto, ON, Canada
Balticon, Baltimore, MD
Demicon, Des Moines, IA
Norwescon, SeaTac, WA

If you’re applying in 2nd quarter, your deadline is May 15.
(Qualifying cons and events will be July and after)
Confluence, Pittsburgh, PA
Harmonic Convergence, Minneapolis, MN
NASFic or Worldcon, location varies, see website
DragonCon, Atlanta, GA

If you’re applying in 3rd quarter, your deadline is Aug 15.
(Qualifying cons and events will be October and after)

Archon, Collinsville, IL
OVFF, Columbus, OH
MileHighCon, Denver, CO
Windycon, Chicago, IL
Loscon, Los Angeles, CA

If you’re applying in 4th quarter, your deadline is Nov 15.
(Qualifying cons and events will be January and after)

GaFilk Atlanta, GA
COSine, Colorado Springs, CO
Boskone Boston, MA
Capricon, Chicago, IL
Consonance, San Jose, CA