Interfilk Directors
Interfilk is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated in California. All of the work that goes into Interfilk is done on a volunteer basis. The Directors and their support receive no remuneration and often absorb their expenses as well. Their rewards come from working with a group of people who love filk, and watching (and hopefully, helping) the filk community thrive.
The Interfilk Board consists of Officers and Regional Directors. New members of the Board are chosen at the invitation of existing Directors. There is one Director for each major geographic area of the U.S. and Canada, and one who serves with no set geographic area (At Large Director). Meetings are conducted via conference call or at conventions where a quorum can be reached. The annual meeting is held at OVFF in October every year.
Your Interfilk Directors are:
Name | Position | Region | Location |
Kathleen Sloan | President | Southwest US | Colorado |
Merav Hoffman | Vice-President | Northeast US | New Jersey |
Judith Hayman | Secretary | Canada | Ontario |
Wesley Crowell | Treasurer | Southeast US | Alabama |
Rob Wynne | Director | Northwest US | Washington |
Steven Joel Zeve | Director | At Large | Maryland |
Nick Smith | Director | Southern California | California |
You can contact the directors, using our contact form.
Spouses and “Significant Others” of Interfilk Directors are traditionally co-opted into assisting with various duties; they may attend all meetings in a consulting capacity but do not vote on guests or policies (although we cannot stop them from expressing opinions, nor would we dare try). They also serve as backup Directors in the case that a seated Director is temporarily unable to fulfil their duties.
Emeritus Directors
Emeritus Directors have been on the Board in the past, but have stepped down from being voting members of the Board. They may remain available for consultation, or carry out other duties, but they no longer vote.
Name | Region | Status | Served | Location |
Gary Anderson | Southern California | Deceased | Founding Clerk 1991 to 1998 |
California |
Trace Hagemann | Midwest US | Emeritus | 2003 to 2017 | Ohio |
Diana Huey | Midwest US | Retired | 1996 to 2003 | Ohio |
Bob Laurent | At Large | Deceased | Founder, 1991 to 2018 | California |
Spencer Love | Northeast US | Emeritus | Founding Treasurer 1991 to 2014 |
Massachusetts |
Juliana McCorison | Western Canada / Northeastern US | Emeritus | 2007 to 2017 | Vancouver, CA |
Tim Miller | Mid South | Retired | 2007 to 2018 | Texas |
Bill Sutton | Southeast US | Emeritus | Founding V.P. 1991; President to 2012 | Indiana |
Brenda Sutton | Midwest US | Emeritus | 1991; Treasurer 2007 to 2019 | Indiana |
Mary Ellen Wessels | Midwest US | Emeritus | 1993 to 1996 | New Hampshire |