
About Mini-Grants

Mini-grants are a new program beginning in January 2024. Four mini-grants will be given in the first year of the program, at up to $500 per recipient.

Please see the list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) here.

To apply for a mini-grant, please fill out this form.

Please note, this grant is age restricted. To apply for a grant, please make sure you meet the following qualifications:
– You are 35 years of age or under as of the time of your application.
– You would like to attend a filk event and receive up to $500 reimbursement.

Helpful notes about the grant:
1. Grants are given quarterly in February, May, August and November.
2. Grants are reviewed by a committee. Your application will be seen by up to 10 humans as we process your pitch.
3. Please write a pitch with your reasons for wanting to attend that specific event. Pitches asking for sponsorship to “any event” will not be considered.
4. You only need to apply once per calendar year to be eligible for the next four grant periods.
5. Your application expires a year from the quarter when you applied, so if you apply in June, your application will expire the following July. You are then eligible to apply again, provided you are still age 35 or under at the time of application.
6. If you are not awarded a grant in any of your four eligible quarters, you will receive an email at the end of that quarter letting you know that you are now eligible to apply again.
7. You can receive a grant in more than one year, but subsequent grants depend on the size of the candidate pool. Apply often, and you may receive more than one grant before you turn 35. You can only receive one grant per convention year.

If you have questions about the grant process that are not answered here or in the FAQ, please email mini-grants at interfilk dot org.